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Keep your Kids Distracted during the Quarantine

Let’s face reality for a second. There’s only so much TV and video games your children can consume. After a while, their minds get bored and crave other activities. That’s where we have your back.

Here at Soldavi, we have our own kids, and through trial and error, we have come up with the ULTIMATE guide to keep your kid entertained during the quarantine.

Hide and Seek

Let’s go back to the classics for a minute. For those who didn’t have a childhood, Hide and Seek is a game with usually 3 or more players in which all but one hide, and the seeker closes their eyes and counts down from 30 before hunting their prey.

This game is amazing for one reason, and it’s that it inspires the creativity of where to hide at home. There is no need to abandon isolation as the game can play indoors or in your backyard. Just make sure they don’t lock themselves in the oven!

Dance Party!

Alright, I’m not much of a dancer, but let me tell you this. Doing this every night will not only tire your kids and put them to sleep, but you’ll also be getting a workout if you do Zumba!

If you’re not one for workout dances, then the next best thing is to compile a playlist of family favorite songs and dance to those. You are required to dance with this option to motivate your children!

If you’re not one to dance, or you’re just tired, then there’s software such as GoNoodle that will show a video and teach kids dances, while also keeping them entertained with the animations!

Backyard Soccer

Although it is heavily encouraged and safer to stay indoors, stepping outdoors is not only allowed but also necessary to maintain a healthy system. Go to your backyard, set up some goalposts with jackets, and let the games begin!

No matter what activity you choose, just enjoy the moment. Don’t only view this quarantine in bad lighting, see it as a blessing as you can now spend more time with your family.