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Traits to look for in a good real estate agent

The process of purchasing a home is not always an easy one. It can be filled with twists and turns, which can be frustrating to most home buyers. Luckily, hiring the best real estate agents will help us avoid those pitfalls. They are the people who know the market and the process inside and out.

However, the role of a real estate agent goes beyond simply completing a real estate transaction. They also make sure the entire process proceeds without a hitch.  If rough spots do occur, the agent helps smooth them over.

There are basically two groups of people who need a real estate agent:

When you are looking to hire a real estate agent to help you buy or sell a piece of property, there are a few traits agents should possess. These include:

For a person to be successful in their career, they must be passionate about their work. This holds true in many fields, as it does in real estate. Agents who are passionate about their jobs usually tend to do better. They enjoy their work and strive to expand their knowledge of the industry they do their business in. Someone who is passionate about their job will be enthusiastic about doing everything necessary to close the deal, and find creative solutions to surmount obstacles. The passionate real estate agent is a go-getter and a problem solver.

Communications skills
An ideal real estate agent should be someone with excellent communication skills. They should not be afraid to have clear, honest conversations with their clients throughout the entire process. A good real estate agent is a good listener, as well. Listening to the client and getting a clear picture of what they need eases the process. Listening to a client’s requests, interests, and concerns allows an agent to tailor property tours in line with their desires. An excellent real estate agent makes sure that all parties involved are notified of everything that’s happening to prevent any confusion later on. An agent with excellent communication skills will keep their clients in the loop at all times.

Professional approach
A real estate should convey an air of professionalism. They should look the part by dressing and conducting themselves in a way that will inspire the confidence of their clients. Their office should make a good first impression – clean, comfortable, and appropriate to the kind of properties they specialize in. An agent with a professional approach suggests that they are serious about keeping their client’s business.

There are dozens if not hundreds of details that go into a real estate transaction. The paperwork can be mountainous and the process laborious. You don’t want someone who can’t keep track of the minutiae – especially if the agent is more than likely working on other clients. An agent who is organized won’t allow things to fall through the cracks.

Whether you are looking for an agent to sell or buy a home, you want someone who will have your best interests at heart. To make sure you’re hiring the best agent for the job, ask for a list of their past clients so you can get their feedback. You can also look them up online and read their reviews. It pays to be diligent when hiring a real estate agent. A good one will make your real estate journey
hassle-free, while a wrong one could prove to be a nightmare. 

If you’re looking for a Realtor in Merced, CA and its surrounding areas, let our team at Soldavi Realty help you. We built our reputation by creatively looking for new opportunities and consistently providing exceptional customer service. Call 209.975.7653 or send us an email at