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Why You Should Get a Stager for Your Home

When selling Chowchilla real estate, you can increase your chances of closing a quick and profitable sale by staging your home. Any Realtor Merced, CA will recommend hiring a professional staging company to get your home ready for a sale.

What is home staging?

Home staging is the practice of making a home more appealing to buyers by giving it a lived-in but orderly feel. This can include anything from decluttering and rearranging the furniture to repainting the walls and adding unique design elements to the home.

But home staging goes beyond those tasks – it is about selling a lifestyle that buyers will experience if they go through with the purchase. Stagers work with the layout of the home, creating a free-flowing space, bringing in light where it is needed, and showing how each room can be used.

Before home staging became common practice, sellers were largely left to their own devices. And while their agents could offer some advice on décor and furniture arrangement, their true expertise lies in real estate transactions and not home staging, hence the demand for professional staging services.

Staging companies often have extensive experience in home décor and interior design. They will bring in furniture, artwork, drapes, and other items to show buyers your home’s true potential.

What are the benefits of staging your home?

According to the 2019 National Association of Realtors (NAR) Profile of Home Staging, home staging comes with many benefits:

The survey also listed the biggest trends in home staging for 2019, with 95% of sellers decluttering their homes, 89% cleaning the property, and 83% removing the pets from the premises in time for open houses.

Staging makes it easier for buyers to imagine themselves moving into the home and making it their own, increasing the likelihood of a sale. It also allows them to figure out where to put certain pieces of furniture or décor.

Why hire a professional staging company?

DIY home staging might be tempting – after all, anyone can rearrange furniture and do a bit of cleaning. But this can be more time-consuming than you think. And between work, family obligations, looking for a new home, and relocating, you might not find time in your schedule for such an enormous task. This is especially true for larger properties or homes with huge amounts of clutter.

If you’re selling a luxury property, professional home staging isn’t an option – it’s a necessity. Top-tier buyers tend to be more discerning than average and will scrutinize every aspect of the home. They’re also expert negotiators and will use the slightest cosmetic issue as leverage when asking for a price reduction.

But at the end of the day, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from professional staging. The 2019 Profile of Home Staging found that the average price sellers paid for professional staging was $400 – a bargain considering its potential to increase the dollar value of your home.

Putting your home in the market? We’d be happy to assist you. Reach out to us, Soldavi Realty, here for more information.